'The Seven Last Words of Jesus Christ', September 2016

Joseph Haydn made several different versions of "The Seven Last Words of Jesus Christ". These 'Words', are the last seven sentences expressed by Jesus while dying on the cross. The anonymous (but approved by Haydn) "The Seven Last Words of Jesus Christ" composition for piano was on NPO Radio 4 on 22 September
''Do you know your classics?', July 2016

'Do you know your classics?, for an article by Martin Kaaij about Dutch radio and television making classical music 'more fun' using a simple radio quiz, online animation and background information on composers. The programme 'Licht op vier' dealt with Dvořák's 8th symphony.
'Hospital Casualties', June 2016

According to the TV programme Zembla, surgeons in several Dutch hospitals are performing unsafe operations due to a culture of fear in their departments with pressure to do too many operations and without anyone properly reporting the resulting accidents to the authorities.
'Married at first sight', February 2016

Married at first sight. Illustration for VPRO TV Guide about an originally Danish programme in which people get married without ever meeting each other before the wedding. Scientists decide who they should get married to.
'Oniomania', January 2016

'I can't stop shopping'. Oniomania - about a TV show helping people who are addicted to shopping.
'Brahms' Piano Concerto', December 2015

Article on the first performances of Brahms' Piano Concerto and how nobody applauded. The few people who started to clap where hissed by others. Nowadays in The Netherlands it seems to be compulsory to give a standing ovation for every classical performance, whatever its quality. In Brahms' day the composer was depicted in a newspaper cartoon with a red hedgehog by his side, because of his daily visits to a pub with this name.
'Hotter Than My Daughter', April 2015

Article about the TV Show 'Hotter Than My Daughter', where mothers get told off for wearing the wrong clothes: either 'too young' with too much flesh showing or 'too old' and therefore too boring.
'1000 Voices', January 2015

Singing for Peace - about the joy of singing and the TV broadcast of '1000 Voices for peace', when 39 choirs from all over the world accompanied by the Brussels Philharmonic Orchestra made a musical statement for peace in memory of the first world war.
'Het rare eraf' (Beyond strange), October 2014
about (psychological) patients in TV-shows.

'Filosofisch Kwintet', January 2014
About the G8 of Philosophy that took place in The Netherlands.

'Poverty Porn', October 2013

'Fear of Flying', June 2012,

Music Meeting, Festival Special, April 2012

Aanraaktelevisie (Touch TV), about watching TV on different types of screens, May 2011

'Quarks & Co. - How our siblings affect our lives', June 2010

Queen's Day Concert, April 2010

'With thanks to Europe', May 2009

'Zielenpoten' (Poor Souls), March 2009

VPRO-gids 50, 2007

'We want that too!', about learning from nature, 2007

VPRO-gids 4, 2007
World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos
