
Babette Wagenvoort


of Projects



(with links
& pictures)




What I'm
working on
right now



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What I'm working on right now


'An Evening at the Women's Institute' - Publication

Drawings: Babette Wagenvoort
Text: Lokien de Bie
Design: Suzanne Bakkum

The book will be published by Lecturis/DATO in March 2019. Price: 19,95 euro Email to pre-order
More info: devrouwenvereniging.nl


STRIDE 1 & 2

Two booklets riso-printed at the Grafische Werkplaats, Den Haag

more info here


Latest News:



Stencilwerck Calendar - Publication & Exhibition

Exhibition 'A Year in Riso' & presentation of Riso Calendar by Stencilwerck in HOK gallery, The Hague. 11.01.2019 - 10.02.2019

more info and images


DEMO Festival - Life Size Drawn Protest at Amsterdam Central Station - 7 November 2019

Between 21 January 2017 - 21 December 2018 I posted 700 drawings from the series 'Exercises in Drawn Protest' on social media platforms. A selection of those drawings will be shown for one day at Amsterdam Central Station during the DESIGN IN MOTION FESTIVAL demofestival.com.

View all the drawings here: https://www.instagram.com/drawn_protest/

Prints from 'Exercises in Drawn Protest' are for sale.
Go to shop


Series for Hollands Maandblad

Drawings for the 2019 Summer Issue of Hollands Maandblad available from better (Dutch) bookstores and through: www.hollandsmaandblad.nl

more examples here



Teaching Drawing
@KABK & private lessons

I was a tutor at the Royal Academy of Art (KABK). between 2006 - 2018, where I taught Image Concept and Drawing in the Graphic Design department and Autonomous Drawing in the Fine Art Department .

Private Lessons
I quit the KABK to have more time for my own work, but I do still enjoy running short workshop at art academies or giving customized drawing and drawing concept lessons in my studio to individuals or small groups. Email me for more information.


RCA Secret 2019

I might be part of the 2019 RCA Secret

View all last year's postcards here:





Extaze Special Issue

Extaze Magazine - a Dutch literary magazine from The Hague has made a special publication to celebrate their 25th issue. With works by 25 artists and especially made poems and texts to accompany the images.

My work was accompanied by a very nice poem by Felix Monster.

Een kijk- en leesboek: 25 x Extaze, waarin van al ‘onze’ beeldend kunstenaars één werk zal worden gepubliceerd, voorzien van een prozaschets van Hein van der Hoeven of een gedicht van Felix Monter.
Info: https://www.extaze.nl/?p=9696


Innocent Drawing:
drawing sessions for amnesty and animals

I'm initiator of Innocent Drawing,
together with Frits Dijks and Eric-Jan Ligtvoet.
In the first half of 2017 we drew postcards to
send to prisoners of conscience all over the
world at several cultural hotspots in The Hague.

I also co-ordinate Innocent Drawing Events in
other cities. The last Innocent Drawing Sessions
were at CBK Groningen and at the exhibition Art For Animals' Sake, Amsterdam

More info: Innocent Drawing or email
Earlier sessions: Quartair, Haagse Hogeschool,
Gallery Britt Durst & Mayhew, Stroom Den Haag
and Grafische Werkplaats, Den Haag.


Illustration Daily

In 2012 Pawel Pokutyski and myself started
Illustration Daily
, an online platform where
professional illustrators share personal and editorial work that comments on the world today.



Bie's Productions


Production Restoration Bieslog, 2019

Production Bie's Warboel Podcast, Wim de Bie's latest project, 2017


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