
Babette Wagenvoort


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Stadstekenaar van Den Haag 2023-2025

In januari 2023 is de eerste Haagse stadstekenaar van start gegaan: Babette Wagenvoort. In deze rol tekent zij de komende twee jaar de stad Den Haag en haar inwoners met als thema 'samenkomsten op Haagse plekken'. Meer: stadstekenaardenhaag.nl


Diary / Agenda



Printed with endangered ink -
Silk screen poster

MEEKRAPPOSTER - a klimaatdichters' poster about endangered species printed by the Grafische werkplaats, Den Haag with ink made from madder root (Meekrap) designed by Caroline de Lint with illustrations by Babette Wagenvoort.

Buy the poster here (all profits will go towards a new publication by the Klimaatdichters & Babette Wagenvoort)




Klimaatdichters: De vuurvlieg, de aardbei en de zeeschildpad

A poetry performance with animated drawings and music about light pollution.

With Moya De Feyter, Gemma Venhuizen, Sara Eelen, Saskia Stehouwer, Thomas Möhlmann, Nataniel Melo and Anke Verschueren

See above for dates.



Grafische Werkplaats 50 Years
- Celebratory Tote Bag


Haarlemse Stripdagen

More info to follow... (image: Eva Hilhorst)




Klimaatdichters: De haas, de roggelelie en de worm

Vrijdagmarkt 24/25, 9000 Gent
30 november 2022 20:00

Friday 9 dec 2022 20:30

De Constant Rebecqueplein 20A
zo 12 March 2023 20:00




Minnesota Centre for Book Arts - online teaching 2022

Drawing in Books
Workshop Dates: Saturdays: April 16, 23, 30 and May 7

This virtual workshop, led by Netherlands-based illustrator and visual artist Babette Wagenvoort, is an invitation to sketch, play, and think about ways you might incorporate drawings into prints and artist’s books. Experiment with several ways to use drawings in books—from the many benefits of using a sketchbook, to drawing used in book art, to illustration and sequential drawing. Practice drawing and sketching through live exercises during the workshop. You will be invited to continue building your skills outside of the workshop and to create an optional independent project. This workshop is open to anyone who would like to
explore drawing. No prior experience is required.



Poetry and drawings for nature - livecast

Pakhuis de Zwijger - Liederen voor het leven
SONGS FOR LIFE - a multi-disciplinairy evening about endangered species by Flemish and Dutch ’climate poets’ in a drawn environment by Babette Wagenvoort. The Livecast (in Dutch) is still available from Pakhuis de Zwijger



'An Evening at the Women's Association' - at Drawing The Times, international online platform for graphic journalism

Many women throughout The Netherlands gathered every month at their women's associations to enjoy each other's company. Due to corona they are forced to stay home. But now one can visit 'An evening at the women's association' in English online at https://drawingthetimes.com/story/evening-womens-association/




'An Evening at the Women's Association' - Book

Drawings: Babette Wagenvoort
Text: Lokien de Bie
Design: Suzanne Bakkum

Published by Lecturis/DATO, 2019. Price: 19,95 euro Order here
More info: Een avond bij de vrouwenvereniging


Series of drawings for Dutch literary magazine 'Hollands Maandblad'

'Home Alone' series for the 2020 Summer Issue of Hollands Maandblad available from better (Dutch) bookstores and through: www.hollandsmaandblad.nl

more issues here




B.I.O. (By Invitation Only) Button Badge Series 19: Drawn Protest

Very proud to be part of this!


Exercises in Drawn Protest - Instagram Project

Since 21 January 2017 I've posted over 850 drawings as part of the series 'Exercises in Drawn Protest' on Instagram.

View all the drawings here: https://www.instagram.com/drawn_protest/

This project was part of the Cheltenham Illustration Awards and longlisted for the World Illustration Awards 2020


Editorial Illustration - VPRO Gids

Illustrations for the TV Guide of the Dutch
broadcasting co-operation VPRO (regularly
since 2007).





Follow me I'm your bird - Exhibition at Galerie Lutz, Delft

Until 20 june 2021 a selection of drawings from three of my projects - 'Trail of the Tawny Pipit', 'Woolf in the neighbourhood' and 'Exercises in Drawn Protest' - is shown at Galerie Lutz in Delft, in a duo show with Euf Lindeboom called 'Follow Me I'm Your Bird'. The gallery is open from Friday - Sunday.


STRIDE 1 & 2 - Publication & Exhibition

Two booklets riso-printed at the Grafische Werkplaats, Den Haag
STRIDE were part of the New Editions Exhibition at the MCBA, Minnesota Center for Book Art, USA - Oct 18 -19, 2019

more info here


New Webshop

Books, prints, drawings and more....




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