curating & organising Writ Large, the RCA
college-wide lecture series (2002)
& design by BW, Imagery found by typing 'word' into Google Image
Typeface 'Calvert' my Margaret Calvert
The Lecture series 'Writ Large' surveyed the work of eminent artists and
from Europe and America who use words as an integral part of their image-making.
The series was curated and organised by architectural historian Joe Kerr,
typographer Alan Kitching and visual artist Babette Wagenvoort.
Click on
image to enlarge (part of ) the poster.
event had the following participants
Graham Rawle, Artist/Illustrator, UK
Thomson & Craighead, Artists, UK
Emma Kay, Artist, UK
David Shrigley, Artist, UK
Kyle Cooper, Director/Designer, USA
Richard Wentworth, Artist, UK
Chairs (all RCA):
Andrzej Klimowski, Senior Tutor, Communication Art & Design
Irene McAra-McWilliam, Head of Interactive Design
David Crowley, History of Design
Debbie Cook, Visiting Tutor, Communication Art & Design
Al Rees, Senior Research Fellow in Film, School of Communications
Joe Kerr, Critical and Historical Studies |