For sale, for rent, for free


For Sale: Rectilinear personality drawings made between 2003 and 2010

Contact the artist to buy an original drawing

Look at the drawings first:






photo: Otto Snoek


For Rent: Mood Enhancing Drawings For Your Home.

Mood Swing - an investigation into the atmosphere of your living space leads to mood enhancing drawing for your home*.

In our homes we try to create an atmosphere that suits us. However, neither the colours we pick for our walls, nor the height of the ceiling, nor the furniture we choose define all of the atmosphere in a house.
The mood of the persons using a room also contribute to how we experience a space. How else is it possible that a room which was cosy and warm yesterday, today seems stuffy and dark, with the walls closing in on you?
Why does the atmosphere of a whole house change when someone comes home in a fowl mood? And why are there also times when it doesn't matter at all what mood the other occupiers of a space are in?
People who rent 'Mood Swing' are examined by the artist. They receive a questionaire and fill in their moods and their 'mood-wishes'. The answers are used by the artist to create a work of 'mixed feelings', with which she doesn't only visualize the mood(s) of a household, but also tries to infuence it.
* no scientific conclusions should be drawn from artistic research findings.

For more information and/or to rent this project go to or contact the artist.


photo's: Rieme Gleijm

For Sale: Mood Swing - Stemmingenalfabet / Alphabet of Moods

Auteur & illustrator: Babette Wagenvoort
Ontwerp: Rieme Gleijm
Uitgever: Babette Wagenvoort
Tweetalige uitgave (Eng/Ned)
Oplage: 500
Omvang : 86 pagina's waarvan 5 uitslaanders
Formaat : 12 x 15 cm staand
Bindwijze: garenloos gebrocheerd
Kleur: PMS 5405
ISBN: 978-90-814453-1-3

Prijs: 12,50 eur plus eventuele verzendkosten

Het stemmingenalfabet van beeldend kunstenaar/illustrator Babette Wagenvoort is een verzameling van zestig lijntekeningen, die de positieve en negatieve kanten van dertig gemoedstoestanden in een unieke, eigen beeldtaal vastleggen. Van direct toegankelijk, tot bizar en onvoorspelbaar. 
Hoewel het boek op zichzelf staat, vinden de tekeningen hun oorsprong in het project 'Mood Swing' dat de kunstenaar ontwikkelde voor 'Het Nieuwe Huren'. 
Dit wetenschappelijk onverantwoorde boekje - ontworpen door Rieme Gleijm - bevat bovendien vijf uitklapbare samengestelde tekeningen: de 'gemengde gevoelens'. 

In Den Haag verkrijgbaar bij Stroom Den Haag, Boekhandel Buddenbrooks, Boekhandel Van Stockum en Lief Hertje en de Grote Witte Reus en daarnaast ook via uw eigen boekhandel te bestellen.

or email me to order a copy of the book



For sale: Mood Swing Tekendoos/Drawing Box

available in variable sizes from NestShop







photo's: Rieme Gleijm

Download or order for free: Book with illustrations about food & products in the near future.

Voorzorg voor voedsel- en productveiligheid. Een kijkje in de toekomst

The book ‘Voorzorg voor voedsel- en productveiligheid. Een kijkje in de toekomst’ (Precaution for the safety of food and products. A glimpse into the future) is the outcome of an exploration of the future by the Office for Risk Assessment of the Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority. The book lays out a combination of scientific and creative points of view to show which technological innovations are likely to become part of our daily society within the next couple of years. Besides that the book reflects on the question how to deal with the possible risks of these innovative products.

client: Voedsel en Waren Autoriteit
author: Freija van Duijne
editor: Antje Visser
illustrations . Babette Wagenvoort (drawings) and Barbara Smeenk (photography)
design: Rieme Gleijm
print . Ando

It is possible to download a low-res copy of the book by clicking here or email for a hard copy



For Sale: Zo verkruimelt het koekje 2005

Part of the public art project made for 'De Buutplaats' - a school in The Hague.
Babette collected proverbs from all over the world, translated into Dutch and made them into New Dutch Proverbs. All the illustrated proverbs are shown in this (dutch) book of 64 pages, designed by Rieme Gleijm.

Because the project was funded by the Mondriaan Stichting & gemeente Den Haag it can be sold at a very low price

Price: 10 Euro including tax & postage (outside the Netherlands postage will be added)

For more information or to order:

information on Stroom-site



For Sale: Kissing Wallpaper Small or Large

Order through

    Most other work on this site is for sale, contact the artist for details