Illustrations and animations for VWA, ‘Voorzorg voor voedsel- en productveiligheid. Een kijkje in de toekomst’ (Precaution for the safety of food and products. A glimpse into the future), book, animations & exhibition 2008-2010
It was very nice to be involved in this project from the beginning*. The project was run by Freija van Duijne from VWA.

The book (2010) ‘Voorzorg voor voedsel- en productveiligheid. Een kijkje inde toekomst’ (Precaution for the safety of food and products. A glimpse into the future) is the outcome of an exploration of the future by the Office for Risk Assessment of the Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority. The book lays out a combination of scientific and creative points of view to show which technological innovations are likely to become part of our daily society within the next couple of years. Besides that the book reflects on the question how to deal with the possible risks of these innovative products.

For this publication I worked on three series of illustrations. Click on one of the links below to see a large selection.
1. Technology Assessment, two colour illustrations explaining and/or showing the different technological developments.
2. Scenario studies, photo/drawing-illustrations with B.Smeenk, ideas taken from the animations.
3. Story illustrations, fold-out pages

Client: Voedsel en Waren Autoriteit; Author: Freija van Duijne; Editor: Antje Visser; Graphic design: Rieme Gleijm
Illustrations: Babette Wagenvoort (drawings) and Barbara Smeenk (photography); Print:Ando

You can download the book (low res!) here or order a copy of the book (in Dutch, zo lang de voorraad strekt) by sending an email to:

The exhibition (2010) to celebrate the book launch in March 2010, we also showed some of my original drawings for the story-illustrations & the animations at the Vrije Academie in Den Haag for two weeks in the same month. The technological illustration were shown as a slide show on a flat screen. More images will follow.

The start of this project in 2008 included listening, drawing and learning about the future from creative expert from many different backgrounds (photographs by Barbara Smeenk).









(above photo's & design book by Rieme Gleijm)