careful what you wish for...’
series of 37 drawings of various sizes inpired by Cervantes’
Don Quixote, including several drawn ‘quotes’ of Gustave Doré's
of: Group Exhibition “Don Quixote”.
(an initiative of the Spanish embassy in co-operation with International
Press Centre 'Nieuwspoort' and the Central Library of The Hague.) With:
Charro Aymerich, Cocky van Duyn, Antonio Fuertes Fernandes, Marga Garrido,
Nadia González, Birke Hesse, David Marato, Monica de Miguel Rubio,
Jaime Montserrat, Sandra Kruisbrink, Paul Marcus, Clara Palli Monhuillod,
Marisa Polin, Conny Kim Pols, Adserá Riba, Gemma Tro Andreu, Nelleke
Scharroo, Marcus van Soest en Babette Wagenvoort
Perscentrum Nieuwspoort - September 2005
Centrale Bibliotheek Den Haag - 29 september tot 24 oktober
Seperate drawings &
'quotes' shown per size
Click on images for larger view


Volkskrant 3/10/05
Het werk in de Haagse bibliotheek:

Het werk in Nieuwspoort:
